Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Of Milestones and Men

I am now one hour into the 40th year of my existence. Gee....I don't FEEL any different. I wonder if I'll start ACTING differently?

One thing that I look forward to is something that I started noticing 2-3 years after the last milestone. At around age 33, ---isn't THAT a significant age?---I began to be more self aware than ever. I discovered that I was learning more about myself. But, I also discovered the ability to read other people for the first time in my life. What an amazing find! (And no, gentlemen...I do not know anymore about women than you do, so don't start beating a path to my door).

So, as I go through year number 40, I'll keep a close watch on any new discoveries, and I'll share as many of them as possible. I can hardly wait to see what comes; especially the things that God reveals to me.

Stay tuned!


Jim said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday tooo yoooouuu.
Happy Birrrrthdaaay, Missssterrrr Robbbbeeerrrtttt,
Haaappppyyy Birrrrthhhdaaaayyy toooooo Yoooooouuuuuuuu!

dean said...

wow, in 4 days' time, you earned a master's and turned 40! blessings and curses, blessings and curses...

K.T. is Mommatude said...

Nice to meet you and Happy Birthday!!!Age is nothing but a number,it is how you feel that really matters!

Randi said...

happy way belated birthday...you think I could have said something the other day when you were at the house, but hey if you don't tell anyone it's your birthday BEFORE it gets here you don't get any presents. Stop by and see the boy sometime...we may need to play a little UNO now that school's about out.