Sunday, October 04, 2009

Football and God

When I was a kid, I thought football was stupid. I couldn't understand why anyone would be interested in a sport where, as a spectator, you couldn't follow the ball. And it absolutely appalled me how, on running plays, the running back ran right into a pile for little or no gain! I would watch 2, 3 plays at the most, then walk away from the television thinking, "what a stupid sport...". But, this is quite ironic if you know me now. It happened when I was 13. I began to really appreciate football. Soon after that, I began to LOVE football. Today, it is my absolute favorite sport to watch live or on television! The sports being played between January and August are just filler until football season can come once again.

What was the "it" that happened? I think I know. You see, I had no understanding of football. I didn't know how to watch it in a manner that would allow me to follow the ball. I didn't understand that the reason the ball carriers ran to piles a lot was because that was the direction in which the play was designed to go. If the play only got a minimal gain, then it simply meant that the defense had it sniffed out, or the offensive line failed to execute a proper blocking scheme. And those were just two aspects of the game that helped give me an appreciation for it, that soon turned into a love for the game.

You know, there are lots of things like that in our lives. Sometimes it takes allowing ourselves time to understand something before we can appreciate, like, or even love it.

God is in this category.

As a child, I sat on a pew each Sunday hearing about God, and his unfailing love, but I didn't really understand it. So away from church, I never took the time to seek Him. But as the years went by, something happened. I can now say with confidence that I love God. (Although, I don't show it like I should all the time). So what happened? I came to a better understanding of who God is and how He loves us. I gained this understanding in several ways. First, I began attending Sunday school regularly. Secondly, I started honing in on what my pastors were saying from the pulpit. Lastly, but this is the most important, I started taking the time to read God's Word, the Bible. And I can still improve on that last one.

Are you having trouble understanding who God is? Then pick up a Bible and just start reading. But don't stop there. Find a good Sunday school class with a dedicated teacher, at a Bible-based church with a pastor who has a heart for the truth and for people. You'll begin to understand Him. You'll soon appreciate Him. Ultimately, you'll LOVE Him!