Tuesday, November 07, 2006

How many of you out there are hooked on the latest television event, NBC's "Heroes"? I think I just saw quite a few hands go up, including my own. Wow! For someone like myself, who has been fascinated with superheroes and superhuman ability since the age of 10,---I read the cover off of "The Avengers" comic books as a kid--- this is the greatest thing to hit t.v. since...well...ever. It's like Tim Kring, the shows creator and exec. prod., was thinking of me when he came up with the idea for the show.

Well, last nights episode did not disappoint. I applaud the writers of the show for not only introducing at least one new person a week who discovers they are "special", but for surprising the audience with someone who has been in the cast since the first episode. For those of you who watch, did your jaw drop open when Micah called his mom...from a pay phone that was OUT OF ORDER??!! Boy mine sure did. Although, I have to admit, as I'm sure you will too, that in the back of our collective minds, we knew that Micah had some kind of ability beyond the norm. And looking at his situation as we now know it, how could he not? Both his parents are "freeeaakky!"

So, let me hear from you fellow "Heroes" enthusiasts. I don't get to talk to other people who are hooked on the show very often, so this should be fun.


Jim said...

Hey, I missed this one...glad you pointee me in the right direction.

Elaniom said...
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Elaniom said...

We love this show!! I can't believe that I didn't think of you when we watch it!! I am always on the phone with Chris during and after with our theories!!! I have some for you know!! Especially since last night!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Fellows...I found you.