Saturday, November 25, 2006


The family has gathered. The meal has been blessed. The turksy and all its trimmings have been consumed. The day set aside to recount all that we have to be thankful for has once again come and gone. I sincerely hope that some quality time with family and/or friends has been had by all. I know for me, rekindling old friendships was the order of the weekend, and for that opportunity, I am truly, truly thankful. But, may we not forget that Thanksgiving, although it appears but once per year on our calendars, is the order of each and EVERYDAY. Giving thanks for what we have, the people in our lives, our health, our nation, etc., should continue beyond this past weekend. A daily affirmation of how good God has been to us is so very important. Because, as God's children surely know, if He never does another thing for us that we in our humaness can measure tangibly, He has already done incredibly, lovingly more than any of us deserves.

Let's continue the spirit of giving THANKS through next November.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything. I am working on it!