Monday, November 03, 2008

Let's Think About This

As a black person, I am increasingly concerned about the number of black people I have encountered who endorse Obama for the simple reason that he is black. I am not disputing the fact that it would be a great historic moment to have the first African American in our nations highest office. HOWEVER, I think being jaded by that fact is wrong of us as Americans. This particular African American/Black would be wrong for our country. He believes in things that no proud American should want to endorse. If we are a nation under God, and I certainly believe that we are, then Barack's views are in direct contradiction to that. His refusal to acknowledge the very things that make us a nation under God should give any sensible American pause when it comes to electing him President of our great nation. I implore EVERYONE of our race to not be in such a hurry to put THIS black man in office. I promise you, there is a better one to come.


Anonymous said...

well said robert! alan keyes is one person i'm giving serious consideration to writing in on tuesday.

glad to see you back at the blogging!

Shaun Martin said...

There is much wisdom in your writings here. I believe you are correct! This is not the black man you want to be the first representation of such a historic event. He's not someone I want representing me throughout the world.