Sunday, March 30, 2008


I just read a myspace blog post by a good friend of mine on being disciples of Jesus and what that means exactly. I know that when we read the Great Commission, we always think of going to a foreign land to do our mission work and win souls for Christ. But just as we don't need to think too small, I believe that we do not necessarily have to focus on "big" right away. Your personal mission field could be right where you are, i.e, your local church. For example, my friend knows that there are professed atheists attending her local church (and I bet there are other churches where this is going on as well). Other places that you can minister right where you are, the supermarket, the barbershop/hair salon, the coffee shop (I have personally used that last one, myself), and the list goes on. In fact, I believe discipleship is one of the areas in which good stewardship can be seen. I believe that if we learn to be good disciples right where we are, God will continually increase our mission field.

Just some thoughts. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Robert... outstanding point! In Acts 1:8, Jesus expands upon the Great Commission telling His disciples that they will be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth (in that order). If we aren't willing to tell the people who are right under our noses, why on earth would we travel halfway around the world to do it?